About Reliance

Litchfield Park, Arizona, United States
Reliance Education Group LLC is an Arizona based business established by veteran education leaders. All consulting services provided are research-based programs that have been field-tested and have proven to be successful in schools and district where utilized and are inspired by student success. Our mission is to motivate students and educational communities in achieving excellence; inspiring effective leadership based on what is best for students; providing exceptional value and responsive service; creating solutions for educators that simplifies paths to success; and supporting parents with clear and focused knowledge necessary to effectively address their children’s specific academic needs.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Does Your AZ Learns Label Tell the Whole Story?

AZ Learns and Your School

Does your school label tell the whole story?

What would be the impact on your school's success if your staff

* AZ Learns Vocabulary (MAP, Z-Score, Achievement Points and Status Points) and its correlation to program effectiveness

* K-8 Summation (Comparison of school AZ Learns profile over the last three to five years) to determine trends and goals and compare to highly performing and excelling profiles

* I.D. Chart review to determine areas of strength and areas of improvement for instruction

* Charting and achieving one year's growth

* Meaningful school-wide, classroom and individual goal development (CIP, PLC, ASIP) and strategies based on AZ Learns formulas